Dear Mom and Dad!!!
Well first off I love you guys!!!! ha ha you guys are ballin!!!
OK... so for Zio Pino. I still haven't gotten an email from him... but that's' OK!!! ha ha 'cause ya we are totally down to see him next week!!!! ha ha but 10 is a bit to early... call him and tell him like 11 or 1115 ish... 'cause we need to go shopping in the morning at 10 but we can do email later that day so like 11 would be perfect!!! I'm so so excited for that!!! :) It is gonna be epic!!! ha ha and ya' tell him lunch would be great!!!!!! ;) ha ha We are always hungry!!!! ha ha It's gonna be so so sweet!!!
I'm so so glad that you guys got my package!!! Finally! ha ha Sorry there wasn't much stuff in there. The people in SanRemo were so dumb and said that it had to be 2kg or less!!! I was kinda upset 'cause I was gonna put more pan de stelle and kinder and stuff but it was too heavy!! Lame, sorry! But Anziano Gallacher said that here you can send however much you want!So I'll send something soon!! ha ha Speaking about sending something there are some like legit Juve shirts that seem really sweet!!!! They don't have the names of any of the guys on the back though. But they are still way good looking. They are 70 euro.... ha ha but if you want I could buy them and send them back for Brian for his birthday! or I could wait ha ha just let me know next week what you guys want me to do with that! There is also Milan and Inter jerseys too ha they really are nice ones!!! ha ha so let me know!
I'm glad you liked to pictures and the video ha ha. My comp is totally chill! We get along really well! And he has had a sweet mission. He has loved it ha ha it's just his Italian is a bit rusty! ha ha but that's OK we are doing our best!!! and the Lord is helping us out too!!!
Alessandria is way chill! I kinda miss the ocean and the pretty city of SanRemo but this place is chill too!!!! Not super pretty but it's still nice! and I love all the members here they are so great!!
The work here is going OK! We are working really hard to get this one lady baptized named Eliana. She is amazing. Her family just got baptized right before I came in, but she didn't. Their family is going through a really hard time right now. But hopefully today everything all gets worked out with that! They are getting kicked out of their house at the end of September and they got two kids and they can't find an apartment to live. But they found this one possible place and today they're going to talk to the padrone to see if it works out for them to live there.... we have been praying and doing all that we can to help her and their family. We really are praying for a miracle right now!!!! So I guess we will see whats happens later today...
Thank you for the contact info. I will definitely get in contact with these people and see what I can do to try to help all of them out!!! ;) Thanks for the little help it really does mean a lot!!!
And oh mom don't worry about the little 5 o'clock shadow! I make sure I'm clean shaven for church and that's what really matters! ha ha A little scruff never hurt anyone!! ;)
And dad you don't like my glasses!?!!? I thought you of all people would love them!! ha ha I got them for 2 euro from some Asian dude at the market in SanRemo!! ha ha Gotta have a little fun!!! ha ha
Yes mom I write in my journal a few times a week!! ha ha I love my journal too! I have put sweet stuff in it to make it really my own!! ha ha It's legit! I love it.
But yes yes all is going well here! Ya the work is going OK we are definitely picking it up!! We are both finally healthy!!! (We were a bit sick last week) so now we are ready to do some work!! ha ha I'm having a great time!
I miss all you guys at home but I know this is were I'm supposed to be and there is nothing greater I could be doing with my time!!! The church is so true! There is no denying it!!!
I love you guys so so much and am so thankful for all you guys do! I'm excited to get your packages!!! ha ha That'll be nice!!! ha ha I love you guys tons! Keep up the good work at home!! Miss you guys and can't wait till your letter next week!!!!
Anziano Bona!!
PS i got your guys little letter with the memory card!!! ha thanks!!! love you guys! :)
Dear Brian.
DUDE!!!!!! I'm so so sorry I didn't email you last week!!!!!!! Please forgive me!!! But ya dude I love you and I'm so excited for you to turn 12!!!!!! I know its a bit early but HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!
I love you so so much!!!! Your a baller I hope you know that!!!! That's cool that football is going well!! I'm happy for you! Make good tackles so you can get that paper!!! ;) ha ha
I hope math goes well for you!!! You're a smart kid I know all will go OK! Plus you got mom and dad to help you!
Your gonna get the priesthood and your gonna be able to pass the sacrament! How awesome is that! really! It's the power and authority that God gives us to work in His name!!! You're finally growing up and I'm so proud of you. But now you got some responsibility!! You gotta be a good boy! Don't be like me and say bad words and stuff! Always do your best in all that you do!
I'm sorry I won't be there to party with you on your birthday but you'll be in my heart always dude! I love you so much! Happy birthday I hope all goes well on your special day!!!
I found some sick Italian jerseys that I'm gonna talk to mom about. We will see what I can do about them!!! I love you little bro have a good week!!!
Anziano Bona (your bro)
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